Saturday, July 17, 2010


I was born of longing. Born of sadness. Born with the notion that everything is only a shadow of something good. There is no earthly cure for me, all the pill can do is try to keep the ache at bay.

Either of you please marry me


Seeing certain movies is a deeply religious and intimate thing for me that I can only share with certain people. It moves me in such a way that I am crushed with the weight of it's brilliance. It changes me, it shatters me, and sometimes I can't bear to be seen with all of my pieces out of place, my limbs detached, my heart so swollen you can see it through my chest. It is better than chocolate, better than a rollercoaster or even sex, and if I look at my counterpart and feel even the slightest bit of self-conscious embarrassment at my disintegration then the entire experience will be ruined.